Solar Return Reading
Your yearly Birthday Reading : what will this year be like for you.
Each Birthday year the cusp of your Ascendant degree and sign changes bringing a different flavour and focal growth period. The planets too, are in a different arrangement bringing their harmonics for the incoming year. Rulerships change and the lord of the year changes. There is much in a Solar Return Reading. "Astrology is a manifestation of the electrical system. Planets and stars are broadcasting their unique frequency into the universal field with which we are constantly interacting. Their electromagnetic and electrical fields share information. Planets and stars are impacting upon the universal field with their own frequency output as they move in their programmed circuits. When they come together in particular alignments, known as conjunctions, transits, squares, oppositions, and so on, the impact on the field is amplified through collective power. Humans have different frequency fields in part from the state of the universal field (astrological sign) when they entered this reality. They are then affected in different ways by ongoing planetary movements and the energetic symphony they play with sound and frequency." *If you don’t know your time of birth, it is worthwhile doing some research. Often the time is on your birth certificate. Otherwise ask a reliable family member, research hospital or town clerk’s birth records. If you can only get a general idea, we will start with that. If there is no clue, we can still look at the planetary pattern of your birthday and get a good deal of information, but I won’t be able to be as specific or address certain questions. ** Disclaimer' for all Readings & Healings "I will do my best to provide insight and support through the Astrology Reading and/or UWS Healing time together, but always, you are in the driver’s seat. You are entirely responsible for your own choices. My insights, opinions, or advice are not meant to sway or override your own judgement, wisdom, or intuition. You remain solely responsible for any application of the information we have discussed, for your action or non-action, and the consequences that may occur." ~ Juliet Butters Doty
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