Combined EA Reading with UWS Healing
Live or on Zoom
The Astrological Reading is aimed at providing emotional and psychological support for deep healing, growth and transformation. Through an EA lens, you will gain key insights into your soul’s path – where your soul has been and what you are here to learn and discover in this lifetime. Receiving a reading will help you reconnect to the voice of your inner wisdom, empower you in your gifts, find harmony in your relationships, and liberate your Divine potential. The astrology reading often reveals what may need to be cleared in the healing. During the Healing session, I create a ‘Sacred Space‘ initially. I use the Power of the Spoken Word, utilizing Prayer specifically, to achieve detailed results unique to each individuals’ needs, but also for Safety! We sit in comfortable armchairs opposite each other. The Healing begins with my ability to see, feel & hear with searing clear psychic vision, what Love needs you to surrender or let go of. There may also be initiation, activation, recalibration and attunement that may be required as well, or ‘next’. I often call this healing 'the Ultimate Soul Detox' as much can be cleared out and reattuned. For some, absolute Grace occurs after much suffering. Each individual is unique and so the Healings are different. I work with the Highest Frequencies of Love & with the Lords’ & Masters’ of the Highest degree. With access to the Akashic Records, the Bardo Realms and the many planes & dimensions & galaxies, therefore, allows a seamless, clear & thorough Heal. ** Disclaimer' for all Readings & Healings. "I will do my best to provide insight and support through the Astrology Reading and/or UWS Healing time together, but always, you are in the driver’s seat. You are entirely responsible for your own choices. My insights, opinions, or advice are not meant to sway or override your own judgement, wisdom, or intuition. You remain solely responsible for any application of the information we have discussed, for your action or non-action, and the consequences that may occur." Mahalo - Juliet Butters Doty
To cancel or reschedule please do so 24 hours prior to your committed time. Mahalo