Full Moon in Leo @24 degrees on February 12th 2025 @5.53am PST
I share the Chandra symbol here to evoke a deeper moment with the meaning of this Full Moon. Energies are being highlighted by this moon ( as with each Full Moon of course).
The Sabian Chandra Symbol for LEO 24 ~ 'Sunrise over Stonehenge'. By Ellias Lonsdale
Beautifully written and fully imagined readings of the Chandra degree symbols speak to a deep level of personal change and authenticity. Another way to say it ~ " the Angel behind each degree "
for LEO 24 - Immortal stature. Undiminished interior presence. A throwback to heroic times and places, character elevated, the universal code upheld, you are stalwart, uncompromising, and even rabid. Vertical understanding and allegiance. Exquisite sensibility. Nobility and the core of human nature embodied. You have a subtle undertone of magic and miracle, yet you're often overtly quiet, simple, and straight.

What are we doing as a species? What is your focus, what is your purpose, what makes you happy and just where are we all headed?
Questions to ask deeply as the 'Karmic Nodes of our Destiny' square the Galactic Center exactly on this Full Moon in Leo.
What is your heart telling you, with what, 'does it glow and emanate' a warmth of soft love that you felt on a bursting summers' morning full of promise. It is time to retrieve that glow, to activate and step up as the square implies, to the next level of our Collective Human Purpose here on planet Earth.
The Galactic Center is the immeasurable black hole located at 27 degrees Sagittarius in the Milky Way Galaxy, it is from where all the energies emanate toward our vicinity Earth bound. Tremendous wisdom and directional downloads are received from this enormous vortex of majesty.
The Karmic North Node of Fate( where we are all headed for the next 18 months), in Pisces has joined Neptune - Pisces ruler, to assist the melt down, urging us to let go, surrender and dissolve - literally. Merge with the Oneness, the Divine. Tap into your deep connection to your Source.
The North Node in Pisces, together with Neptune, create a beautiful grand trine ignited between Retrograde Mars and Vesta the Goddess and Keeper of the Sacred Flame within all our hearts. Meditate upon where and how this affects you and your world.
The South Node of Fate in Virgo is part of a beautiful Trine helping us all to make the necessary changes (Uranus), - to simplify and clear our all unnecessary, time consuming output that no longer serves, emboldening us to transform (Pluto) as we focus (Pallas Athene), on what needs to empty out -
any self criticism,
unhealthy habits on all levels,
victim hood and martyrdom,
and self sacrifice tendencies,
any illusory ideations that can no longer withstand the stark reality of the looming immanent change.
2025 is the year of transition before we truly move into a whole new zeitgeist of reality come February 2026. Make space within your field for the light that is constantly incoming to embed deeply into your 24 bodies and systems, your vehicle.
and remember ~ we are being helped all the time.
This Full Moon in Leo calls us to our hearts, to realise our sovereignty, to reignite the fires that once burned and to fuel the passage for the coming year of shedding skins like the snake year that we are all now venturing into, revealing our wisdoms and clarity.
Pallas Athene stands firmly @28 degrees Capricorn, emboldened next to Pluto in Aquarius, calling forth for our deep knowing, our wisdom, to focus; to set our sights for the freedom of being, the wisdom of the ages are available to us if we spotlight our merging with Source, with everything.
Beloved Venus, now in Aries - all about pioneering new relationships - is straddled by Neptune in Pisces whom she has just had a 'meet up' with having merged into the OneNess of 'All that IS'. On her approach side she will then connect and ignite' with Salacia, Neptune's wife. She is the Goddess of Light, bringing a beautiful, mermaid, liquid light of iridescent majesty to our world, we are infused with this shimmering light this Leonian Full Moon. Bathe in the fullness this cycle to infuse your being to further your shift from carbon to crystalline. Salacia also brings a Self Honouring that Neptune so loved, together with a deep emotional questioning, a calmness & self trust - qualities that will be more than useful into the months and years ahead. Call on her to infuse you with these virtues - we will be seeing Salacia again in late April so there will be more to come.
Simultaneously, we have Eris, sister of Mars, the Goddess of fair play for every Body, Goddess of Chaos and Discord always making sure everyone is included - she is exactly trine the Moon, helping and heralding a call to our hearts .. to fire up, be the warrior and take action. She assists us all beautifully so. Chiron too, is right there next to Eris encouraging our maverick, warrior selves to step up to the plate.
Uranus, the Game Changer pushes ever forward now direct, on his completion chapter of bringing the Heavens to Earth. Proclaiming electric change for the new, directional future that we must move into, by closely squaring the Sun in Aquarius next to Ceres and Mercury. A dynamic push indeed, to take action, imploring a step up to the next level to honour the earth, create the new structures and communicate out on Her behalf, the needs that are more than obvious now. Some of you, who have felt different and always with ideas for the future sitting on the fringe - Your time is here now, for you to come forward and take some leadership, share your wisdom out into the world - Your Time is Now. Tap into Neptune in Pisces to deepen your relationship, so that you will surely know beyond a shadow of a doubt all that is needed for your way forward.
A FootNote from Lorna Bevan : The Map is not the Territory
This means that you are separate from reality. The menu is not the food. The road map is not the city. The map of the world you have in your mind is not the real world. You short change yourself of your full potential when you believe your mental map of the world is the territory you deal with every day.
If you take your assumptions of people’s behaviours, your position in the world, how people perceive you, or anything as reality – when it is merely your mental map painted from abstract understandings – you cheat yourself out what you can become. Instead of interacting with the world, you interact with your map. Your mind is a projector, not a camera.

Lastly Saturn, always encouraging each of us to focus and bring things into form, making projects a reality, trines the retrograde Mars in Cancer. Impressing upon us all in Pisces, to let go, surrender our old ways, our conditioning that is redundant, create structures for stillness whilst we ponder upon deeply how we can preserve our emotional security (Retro Mars in Cancer), amongst an ever changing world as we readjust our line of sight (retro Mars). The planet who used to be the furthest out planet seen with the naked eye, was proclaimed as God for 5,000 years, before the telescope was invented; and so Saturn carries a more serious word and requires a mature response from us all. Thus he encourages a responsible and disciplined approach to build our desires with an internal ballast of emotional nurturance, creating a sense of safety in all that we 'do' down the track.
All in all my friends, we are indeed riding the wild wave of change now and we are learning to be fluid, to respond to all, by weaving our desires as we go. Use this time now until February 23rd - when Mars will station direct - to become crystal clear about what you are truly wanting in your life.
Remember to reach for the beauty, spend time in nature and appreciate the simple things as we look towards the coming New Moon on February 27th in Pisces.
~ A Hui Ho ~

I invite you to head over to my YouTube Channel for a Guided Journey Meditation