We are all heading into the holiday season, finishing up the calendar year and all that it entails, coping with all the goings on, the gatherings & engagements, the kids, shopping ~ so, where are you in it all?
Just know that the tides have turned and the general urging, is to turn inwards and listen to
the still small voice within.
Not so easy with so much 'out there' these days happening everywhere, all the time!
In truth, we are being asked to look deeply within, to question what makes you happy, what truly turns all your lights on, what fires up your heart. (Mars Retrograde - now until Feb 23rd 2025). When any planet is retrograde the energies are somewhat Uranian. Change is afoot due to the review Yin process.
We actually have now ~
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius now until December 15th
Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini turns direct February 3rd 2025
Mars Retrograde in Leo now : Jan 6th --> moves into Cancer until April 19th 2025
and are moving towards ~
Venus planning to turn Retrograde in Aries March 1st 2025 --> and back into Pisces, direct on April 12th in Pisces 2025
Mercury Retrograde in Aries March 14th - April 6th, direct in Pisces 2025
The personal planets are and will be, all under review.
How we relate to one another, take action, express our passion and do things. What motivates us.
How we communicate and think, process and correlate information.
Mercury : Are we being truthful to ourselves and simultaneously to others? Are you doing Your purpose?
Mars : How we do things and are we in our heart power? (Mars in Leo) How well do we nourish ourselves in all that we do (Mars in Cancer).
Venus : Our relationships : all of them. Venus in Aries --> how can we be in relationship and not lose our own power and autonomy? Venus in Pisces --> how can we be in unity consciousness with all our relations? Addressing all people out there, our close friends, family, nearest and dearest, money, the earth, ourselves, food, and pets too.
Jupiter : What is the truth? How can we read between the lines more readily and still be creative? Can I/you get more creative and diversify into something different to express my/your purpose? What is on the other side of how I see things, can I adjust, take on a whole new perspective? There is deeper meaning for me, go inwards to find it.
Mercury : in Aries and back into Pisces. Reviewing how we instill our newfound power and passions together with communicating with a level of sovereignty and warriorship. Taking into account the all compassionate and sensitive nature of Pisces. Including all in our assessment and how we deliver that in our environments.
We will begin the New Year 2025 with Mars Retrograde, Uranus retrograde, Jupiter Retrograde : The 'Turning Inwards' will still be in effect : the year doesn't really jump into smooth sailing gear until May in truth, when all the personal planets retrogrades discussed above, have moved direct and finally when Saturn launches us into a 'fast paced new world in transition' May 25th, when he conjoins Neptune in Aries beginning a 'whole new era for civilisation'.
Yes, I did just say that.
Another rather significant change is that the 'Karmic NODAL Axis of Fate' will move from Aries Libra - Relationships, to Pisces Virgo Axis - Religion & Spirituality
on January 10th 2025.
For the month of December we have ~
Neptune stations Direct in Pisces. December 7th. Unity consciousness, more compassion and sensitivity towards others, all inclusive. Possible flooding around the world in places where Neptune is impacting.
Jupiter Sequiquadrate Pluto Dec 11th & 12th. A strong resistant energy regards your own truth and your Soul power, pushing one to own it. (also depending where it may fall in your chart)
Full Moon in Gemini December 15th --> Mercury stationing Direct less than 24hours later.
December Solstice 21st @1.20am PST (that's 11.20pm (Dec 20th for Hawaii)
Jupiter Saturn Square : December 24th - the 2nd square for these two social planets carving a new system for the future within a 20 year cycle that began Dec 2020. A 'Crisis in Action' of what has meaning and the needed expansion for society facing the structure, foundational rules and regulations as to how we bring the two together into the future.
Chiron stations Direct in Aries Dec 29th @11.53am PST. Time to pioneer oneself with more confidence, rejuvenated after months of recalibration internally.
Next year there are quite a few planets changing signs resulting with significant change :
Neptune will move into Aries March 30th until Oct 22nd - this is Huge
Saturn joins Neptune in Aries May 25th heading back into Pisces September 1st - doubly Huge.
Both planets when they come together energise substantial effect on the structure of society and the rules mixed with Neptune dissolving the past structures, rules and disciplines suggesting a whole new spiritual renaissance (Pisces) birthing (Aries) anew for humanity. More detail next year.
Uranus ingresses into Gemini July 7th - Life will pick up a tremendous speed, faster than now.
Jupiter will move into Cancer June 9th - Deepening the tonality of nourishing ourselves and others
Astrologers say ... that December is an easier month than November. Well perhaps not as intense per se (all that Scorpio), but WOW, there is a lot happening and we are assimilating much constantly.
We are being made ready for the big transitional year ahead. TAke advantage of all the internal time now thru MAy 2025 to become really clear and solid with You.
Remember, there are many asteroids that are involved assisting and prompting us
this and that way towards our evolvement as a collective. Turning Inward is crucial.

Lastly and quite perfectly, Manwe, Lord of the Gods, the archangel who was entrusted with creating our earth as we know it, is sitting exactly with the North Node of our Destiny in Aries throughout the entire month of December. Encouraging us to pioneer our new world, get busy, be the warrior, have the courage to go forth and conquer and do what needs to be done.
Manwe's consort, Varda, is at 9 degrees of Leo, firing up our hearts, and is in a supportive Trine to Manwe and the North Node of Destiny for us all. Milk it, as they say, take full advantage of this assistance.
Just know that even as we dissolve into the void, the nothingness of 'All that Is' (Neptune at the last degrees of the entire zodiac in Pisces), we are being held sacredly.
We are experiencing so many endings as we are encouraged to just let go,
and surrender into the Mystery.
I haven't spoken too much about the Full Moon itself ~ it is dynamic.
A FIRE Trine connects the North Node to Retrograde Mars and Mercury (very slow, readying to turn direct). Assistance and encouragement to creatively pioneer ourselves by diving deep within to discover the more deep inside. Mercury stationing direct less than 24 hours later.
Not quite time for Santa but a Full Moon none the less The Sun is shining the light on Uranus to make changes and adjustments - planet of change and ruler of Aquarius (Pluto in Aquarius - director of our evolution).
Pluto, Ceres and Venus are in a new phase to Pluto suggesting new pathways ahead as to our relationships to nourishing ourselves and the earth, to heal the grief within. Huge key to all that is to go inside regards how we are doing things. How can we feed the flame in our heart whilst doing so?(Mars opposition).

Go well dear ones until next cycle, being the December 30th New Moon in Capricorn @2.27pm PST.
I wish you all a special Solstice, a very warm and lovely Christmas with all those you hold dear
and finally a smooth and easy slide into 2025.
~ All love and Blessings to all ~
I am running a 15% Christmas Discount on all Readings running through
until January 10th 2025 when the Nodes switch.
Please go to my website and click on Services to make your choice
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Thank you for the in depth report. I have lost interest with most things/groups/work on the outer so this all helped me be comfortable with just being , staying home, meditating and doing what my intuition says is next. Many blessings and deep gratitude.