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Total LUNAR Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo; bookended by Venus and Mercury Retrogrades covering the same ground. Aries / Pisces.

Writer: UnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters DotyUnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters Doty

Updated: Mar 10

I begin this newsletter with Venus, the Beautiful Goddess of Love. Venus, esoterically, is the ruler of Pisces, as Neptune shines his watery trident with determined vigour at the last degree of the Zodiac calling on All to turn inside to the internal call within, Venus turns Retrograde for 40 days March 1st.

It is interesting beyond measure to note; that Salacia the Goddess of Light sits at Aries 11 degrees​, the degree Venus stationed Retrograde.

The Chandra Symbol ​of the degree ARIES 11​ is this :

'Sunlight illuminating dust in the air'.

“You inhabit the edge between self-will and a higher will. You hold to the sharp borderline between the infinite and the finite, so that you can create yourself anew out of whole cloth. Transformation can take many forms. You are endowed here with power of wishing, the capacity to visualize and imagine whatever comes next. An astounding skill at coming back to life, recreating everything, taking into yourself worlds ending and worlds beginning. All is poised within. A way of looking at things that magnifies the wonder and overcomes all of the dross, in a strong quest to find yourself amidst the debris of lost worlds and to salvage the dream and the vision.” Inside Degrees. by Elias Lonsdale

Inferior Conjuntion of Venus. The Goddess herself Venus weaving magic since 2017

Ponder upon what you were doing back in March April of 2017 when Venus was retrograding in Aries. We are stepping up into the next level of that.

Suggested Amber light or Caveat; avoid any big financial investment/s, sudden marriage commitment or even starting a new relationship, cosmetic surgery or new hairdo look.

Do deeply consider;

  • what may be draining you,

  • what you have had enough of,

  • relationships that have come to the end of a long hard road,

  • are you taking care of your essential needs?,

  • why may you be on survival mode?

  • why are you over-committed?

Venus is raising her Aries flame with peoples' worldwide expressing their angst, protests and marches, expressing values from the core Venusian archetype, regards diplomacy and decency in geopolitical moments. She will dip into Pisces by the 27th March.

Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo March 14th 2025
Eclipsed ~ Smith Rock Oregon

The Total LUNAR Eclipse @8.58pm PDT & FULL Moon in Virgo 11.54pm PDT releases a lot of energy that was being held back when Mars was Retrograde, and still Out of Bounds now - so allow your creative energy to flow. Remember that Eclipses are like an accelerator, an activator also, and can bring intense resolutions, unexpected change.

Uranus continues on his break down, breakthrough and change revolution by giving the Goddess Eris, Mar's sister, the green light to go forth and conquer, be bold, speak your truth and hold the flame of warrior-ship leaving no one out. We are seeing it already in the marches and protests around the world.

Strident and enabled even further by the maverick, Chiron in Aries, together they are quite the force of nature in this lunation. Watch this space and we'll see how the play out will be.

Total Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo March 14th 2025

The Full Moon LUNAR Eclipsed in Virgo, heralds the full spotlight on all that Pisces (four bodies and the North Node), particularly with Saturn sitting right next to the Sun heralding a reality check, a reckoning. It's time to bring into form the structure for what you have been imagining and or creating, what must be part of the change that no longer can be held back.

The Virgo Moon sits next to the South Node of our past and our karma's; asks us all to empty out the sacrificial lamb once and for all within, 'No more' is the call. No more being the victim, no more sacrificing of the self. Create the constructs necessary from deep within to connect to your Source and feel your magnificence, your shimmering light and free yourself from the inside out. No more guilt, critical thinking of the self. Throw the critic Out for good.

Total LUNAR Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo March 13 2025
Allow yourself to break open from the inside out.

It's a tremendous opportunity to refine & focus your health regimes (Virgo); in all departments physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. To clear out any toxicity, to increase your levels of immunity, and detox the blood (pisces).

As we move through March and into April, Saturn wil come to conjoin with the North Node of our Destiny calling us all to account. Tremendous rewards and opportunities are there for those who have sown the hard yards, not so much if you haven't - in the archetype of Pisces cracks begin to show, vulnerabilities and incompetence exposed, mismanagement called on. There may be a collapse of authority or of power.

It is also important to take note that the rulers of the Karmic Nodes of our Destiny, Neptune and Mercury are moving through their gyrations that can be felt. Mercury will station retrograde on the15th March, the day after the Lunar Eclipse stationing at 9 degrees of Aries and passing across the zero degrees of Aries point, (fast becoming a very HOT Spot), back into Pisces - Neptune's territory that he rules, travelling closely with Venus throughout most of their retrograde motion. When Mercury is retrograde it is a time to tap into your right brain, to not think using your left, diving deeper into your intuition and the felt senses. Pay attention to your deepening relationship to the ethereal, the mystical and oneness moments and what downloads may come through for you.

Total Lunar Full Moon Eclipse March 13th 2025
Allow the waves of feeling and energy to wash over and through you, and let go.

Our way forward is in knowing how we fit into the bigger picture - it is to realize your relationship (Venus), to your maker/Source (Neptune). The ongoing submergence into such fluidity, water, oneness ethereal, mystical, and psychically unseen energies that have been present is being given to assist us all to surrender, empty out and let go into it. To begin to merge and dissolve to become one with it .. it is in that space that we will know what we are to move forward into, that is where the transmission of directives may be given unto you.

The Equinox occurs on the 19th March @11/02pm triggering yet again the 00 degree Aries point - delivering a tuning fork for the next three months to stand in the spiritual energies, take responsibility to bring into some kind of form the initiation of your relationship to Source in order to walk into the transitory future ahead for us all.

It is fascinating and powerful at the same time that the Equinox falls almost at the midpoint between the two Eclipses. Very Dynamic indeed ,to say the least.

The next Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries March 28th late @10.50pm, & early 29th @1.50am PDT will also be a dynamic moment. I will bring more to light on those details next newsletter.

At the end of the month, on the 30th, Neptune will cross the vernal threshold into Aries instilling a tangible forward thrust in all things creative and spiritual together with multiple ways to apply our passions ignited. A crystallisation of a new light may be tangibly felt by those who have worked towards raising their vibrations. Over the summer we will get a practise run of these sobering yet frisky, Arien energies to embody and play with, before Neptune and Saturn head back into Pisces over the fall and into 2026 before both planets finally land in Aries for good in February 2026. We will be given more time to continue the dissolution project so that we are all ready for the incredible shift into a whole new era next year.

Make the most of it now as we cycle through the Eclipse tunnel.

Observe and watch, feel your way through.

Listen and Breathe.

A Hui Ho

Total LUNAR Eclipse in Virgo March 13th 2025
A changing world

If you would like to know just where Pisces & Aries, Uranus & Pluto

falls in your chart maybe it is time for a reading.

Natal, Transits, & Progressions can reveal a great deal and assist you to understand what on earth is going on for you.

Recent Testimonials.

"I'd highly recommend Juliet's Astrology Reading as it literally raised my energy and insight. I learnt so much and I am making great strides forward. Plus the things that were and are to come have been coming on time, as written in the stars. I'm still gobsmacked.

I now see the value in investing in me with this, as my mindset has shifted on to another level.

Basically, a breakthrough that I had been trying to get through happened

because of my reading. Its knowledge on a deep level with Juliet.

I actually understand myself now, and even greater than that, I value myself at a core level

and believe in myself completely. I am saying all this because for the first time, I feel completely aligned with my intuition, my magnificent value of myself and my purpose.

That's how huge it was for me. A lot has been going on in my life internally and this reading really put it to me. Why, what, how and future. I got it on Easter Friday and things have happened since then. I didn't even see them coming. It just showed up. If you are looking at this I feel you are looking for answers. Maybe you are like I was a few weeks ago. Completely out of sorts and knowing but not knowing about my situation, and having internal struggles. I instinctively knew to speak with Juliet. Her level of insight on a traditional and soul evolutional level nailed it all. I consider it one of the best investments I have ever made. And it was investing in me. I have received massive return on my investment. The Reading changed it all up. I would love the same for you. Good luck and much love whatever you decide. All the best xx Diana M. Alabama. USA.

"Juliet is masterful and passionate in her astrology readings and meditations. I have had many readings from her and always astounded by her knowledge and what is revealed to me from her understanding of my soul's journey. She is very clear in her communications. I am grateful to have her guidance assisting in my healing and growth, and deeper awareness of connection to Soul.

She is truly a healer, a mystic and greatly appreciate her gifts and service that have been

supportive to me and others".  


I met Juliet a few years ago when I was in Hawaii and had the pleasure of meeting her in person and I've had the opportunity and the pleasure of continuing that relationship to this day. I meet with her about once every month or two months and she is so well studied in her art, and her gift, when you get to speak with her she doesn't talk at you, she speaks with you and I think that is so important when you are walking through life together. I really appreciate her so much and would highly recommend seeking her out and really enjoy this gift that she is able to share with others. Juliet's gift is rare and I treasure her! Thank you BC. Dallas Texas.


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