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Super Full Moon in Taurus Nov 15th

Writer's picture: UnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters DotyUnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters Doty

Tremendous change, mixed with Awakenings & Liberation.

“There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen

Full Moon in Taurus Nov 15th 2024. UnwindTheSoul .com
ever evolving Now

The waxing, intense 'Super Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th November 2024' which happens to be 1 degree next to Uranus, the ruler of Pluto in Aquarius. Electric possibly extreme change is on the cards - we are all on notice to the evolutionary times ahead, and fasten your seat belt, it's going to be the ride of your life.

Taurus is about values and resources, money and food - agriculture, also beauty. Indeed, it is a fixed sign and taurus doesn't really like change too much due to its fixicty. Uranus, remember want to liberate and open up htat which has been stuck, entrenched or stubborn to make change

Remember - as with any Full Moon the Sun is opposite and in this cycle the Sun is in Scorpio, hence adding to the intensified, amped up feel.

Saturn Stations Retrograde seven hours prior to the exact Super Full Moon @1.28pm PST, making his point to let go and surrender the last vestiges of attachment to the past, or resistance to the incoming changes - after all there is only four more days of Pluto in Capricorn for his point to be made.

Pluto moves into Aquarius finally and definitively Nov 19th for the next twenty years - Changing up the Zeitgeist. Liberation of what ever has been suppressed and or frozen shut.

We are letting go of any old ways and calling it done as we say farewell to Pluto in Capricorn, as we head into a very fast paced, creatively fuelled, electrified, twenty years ahead.

In this Full Moon Pluto is assisting and boldening, in fact encouraging the changes so that we may regenerate, to break free from the past, to be inspired once more into the new revelatory future unfolding. Change is demanded of us initially ... take or make the leap.

Uranus is the SkyGod, planet of Revolutionary Change, wants us to change up, to make the moves required. Well ... I think we definitely just made one with a new President for the USA, but there is far more on the cards. Yes, there are more aspects in the chart, but standing alone together, the Moon being Full right next to Uranus, ruler of that Pluto in Aquarius, we are in for some seismic- literally, earth moving, electrical, 'out of the box' downloads, innovations of significant proportions. Perhaps some more unexpected revelations that may launch us into yet another realm. We are being made ready for the transition year ahead of 2025. Just know things are not going to be settling down any time soon.

Newly Retrograde Saturn is in a quintile relationship to 'the Full Moon Uranus meet up and consequently suggests, let's create some structure to build the form for the new changes that are going to switch up the track/s, that we are currently moving on. Making adjustments for some, mutating others, modifying, or completely transforming some.

Next year will be substantial, with four very influential planets moving into new signs together with the first full year of Pluto in Aquarius for the next twenty years. We are also in the Solar Maximum which means that we are constantly being showered directly from the Sun with electro magnetic upgrades which affects our nervous, endocrine, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual systems. This can be fatiguing, wearing on our nervous systems. We may need more sleep and rest to integrate the constant incoming energies - we are being prepared for the years ahead.

Venus, the ruler of the South Node Karmic Axis is square to the Nodes in this Full Moon. She questions us to scrutinize just 'what are our needs' at this point, be practical, rein in the financial spending - Venus rules Money - and asks, 'are you working too hard on your relationship/s'.

Full Moon in Taurus November 15th 2024. Unwind the Soul

Presently, we are just over three weeks away from the Mars Retrograde stationing on December 5th until February 23rd 2025. That is almost 12 weeks of Mars being Retrograde. We are heading within, to crosscheck and review in the signs of Leo and Cancer. The ground that we are beginning to cover and will cover from now until May 2025( including the shadow time period). Essentially, this is all about, How secure do you feel? It's a tuning in, to focus, to intuit what are you going to do; it's not about how fast you can get something done but rather deepening into your souls' desire which then affects your self preserevation, your ultimate sense of peace. Leo is a fire sign as is Mars, so we are infused & lit up with a sense of destiny, creative expression, igniting the magic within us all to shine. Is there an artist wihtin you ready to shine more brilliantly? Mars is about initiation and pioneering something. Things may not necessarily get going real fast but there is a slowed sense of focusing inwards to feel emotionally the secure sense of, 'this is it'.

We are being slowed down to discover and remove that 'thing' that keeps repeating or has been in the way. We are oging to be confronting ourselves on a soul level and also starig at our own personal will. THings may be revealed hat we haven't been able to see before regarding personal will versus higher will. We will be clearing out the old behaviours and habits how we comfort ourselves.

The sun will be opposite Uranus on the 16th, day after the Full Moon marking hte midpoint of Uranus's retrograde giving us a powerful crosscheck to make the necessary change regarding all the subject matter that is triggering you propelling you deeper into what feels right, what is actually fulfilling your essential needs giving you the value you want in your life.

Mercury stations retrograde on the 25th Nov in Sagittarius two degrees away from Pallas Athene, firing up thought systems regards your optimistic focus in pursuing your goals, tuning in and intuiting just exactly where your focus needs to be. Time to review and revamp what you have happening there. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius is still retrograde in Gemini and opposite Mercury. Just what is true, question the validity, and uphold what you feel you can trust.

Super Full Moon Nov 15th 2024
November 25th Mercury stations Retrograde in Sagittarius

I want to acknowledge here the incredible, yet full on years that we have all navigated our best through since 2008 when Pluto entered into Capricorn. We have all been through the gammut of much. Some may agree that they feel they have been raked over the proverbial coals. Well we have.

I am including below some questions that a wise lady by the name of Lorna Bevan over in the UK, asks of us to ask ourselves. I feel the following questions will be of great assistance to prepare for the final leap into Pluto in Aquarius.

Ask yourself:

  • where are the places in me that must be remembered, marked and then left behind?

  • how is my inner/outer world now radically different from 2008?

  • what or Who has left for good?

  •  what is dead in the water?

  •  what’s the somatic truth of the situation?

  •  what’s the one thing I’m most afraid to say about my life?

  •  where in my life am I at effect, not cause?

  •  what is dying to be born, to be expressed?

  •  what epiphany - a knowing beyond knowing - is being written in my personal Book of Revelations?

And, for those of you who have already completed the process, what were your biggest insights and learnings?

The New Moon in Sagittarius will arrive on November 30th, delivering a lightness, fun filled energy of the holidays ahead. December is always more fun.

I look forward to being with you all.

Until then, tread gently.

~ A Hui Ho ~


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