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Mele Kalikimaka & and incoming New 'Blue' Moon in Capricorn Dec 30th.

Writer: UnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters DotyUnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters Doty

Updated: Dec 23, 2024

As we cycle to the end of the calendar year of 2024 we will have the New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th December. We are reminded to continue on as the Cosmos waits for no one and yet embraces all. The message and planetary harmonic here is to ground into your integral structure somatically, to own and embody your mastery and wisdom. The power is not out there as society impresses upon us, it is within YOU ; the New Earth emerging is solely based on who you are and as to just how you anchor yourself fully embodied into your sovereign, spiritual self, owning all of who you are and will be, radiating outwards your intrinsic self. These times have been pressurised for good reason; we have been worked over, carved, massaged, encouraged to let go and eliminate over the many moons of this year and the past decade/s, in order to be able literally, to embody the light that is coming and growing in us all, even now.

New Blue Moon in Capricorn Dec 30th 2024
What is your intention or direction now?

We stand on the precipice of a huge dynamic, transitional year, next year and even with this Blue New Moon in Capricorn - we have been well mentored after sixteen years of Pluto in Capricorn - we are being asked to be consciously aware of our very magnificence, our forte's and gifts, simple as they may be and walk tall exemplifying and exuding your harmonic note out into the universe. THIS, is what the Cosmos is waiting for, metaphorically vying for us all to gallantly BE, and transmit our essence, even as we move forward into the coming year of endings and beginnings, together with dynamic change.

New Blue Moon in Capricorn Dec 30th Chiron Direct
Chiron, the Maverick Healer

A Station Direct Chiron on the day before the New Moon, gives the maverick/aka wounded healer, an extra highlighted harmonic, offering great support with a beautiful fire trine to Mercury in Sagittarius now picking up speed, igniting and encouraging us all to uphold our individuality to pioneer our truth and communicate out with spiritualised authority (Saturn in Pisces square to Mercury - hence my blog/s). Take the leap of faith even though you know not where you may land; do it you must. Whilst Retrograde Mars in Leo feels and knows in his heart what must be done - and with his 'out of bounds' stronger than usual, outer orbit at present affecting his behaviour - he will play the game just the right way in order to express his passion/s within us all.

And so ~ Listen deeply - what is being encouraged within you, where do you need to muster more courage perhaps to take the step, make the plans to go forth when you feel it's 'go time' in your heart?

There is also an amazingly awesome Mystic Rectangle in the heavens, offering a destined event after significant life lessons, and for those who have worked the oppositions of the Karmic Nodes - we have all for the last 18 months been experiencing just where we may be giving away our power, playing nice, not wanting to rock the boat in order to please others rather than empowering the individual self, pioneering ones' confidence and soul power.

*The second is the ongoing Mars Pluto opposition incoming to be exact on January 3rd, the first opposition was on November 2nd, and the 3rd and last opposition will be April 26th. We are in the middle of an internal process of utilizing objective awareness as to what and how we 'do things', let things play out, don't rush and feel the magnetic pull to fire trine to the North Node in Aries, conjunct to Manwe, the highest Divine Intelligence in the Universe, and now conjunct to the incoming Neptune to the North Node- soon to drop into Pisces Jan 12th. Milk it as they say! This conjunction is available strongly until Jan 12th and then begins to dissipate as the Nodes change into Virgo Pisces axis and will change up the equation.

The Uranus Venus square is the next major aspect affecting us all on the world stage and personally. Uranus is in Taurus and with Venus being the ruler of Taurus, we will definitely see volatility in money, markets and cryptocurrencies. Food sources and agriculture will also be affected as will siesmic activity, which we are experiencing concurrently these days. Allowing for our relationship to adjust to these arenas utilising the collaboration of Aquarian energies embracing the collective energies of our future/s can only assist. Get creative and attend to your ability to 'Be Present'. I am being direct here but these times are requiring more of us at this point. Relationships will be tested as to allowances for freedom loving souls, but if your relationship is sound there is not a problem. Spontaneity and freedom is definitely on the agenda here in essence.

Lastly, Jupiter in Gemini, is receiving instruction from Neptune in Pisces, regards a deeper level of compassion whilst upholding greater levels of your ability to communicate what is true for you. Just know the more that you surrender into Source, the more you will ascertain, get the hang of, your ability to diversify and take on the new expansive, deeper you.

As we straddle the next days into the New Year of 2025 which you will hear more about from me for sure - I wish for you all a very Happy New Year with your family and friends. May you get some rest as we move into the first month of 2025 where rest and nourishment of the self will actually be a focal point.

My warmest to you all.


A Hui Ho

 New Blue Moon in Capricorn Dec 30th 2024
Winter Solstice

Remember : Gift Certificates for all types of Readings & Healings are available for that last minute purchase. Go to my website Here

New blue Moon in Capricorn Dec 30th 2024
Gift Certificates Available

Christmas Wishes December 2024
Mele Kalikimaka and Hau'oli Makahiki Hou


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