Full Moon in Cancer 2.27pm PST January 13th
Pluto In Aquarius & Sun in Capricorn exactly trine to Uranus in Taurus
Karmic Nodes of Fate - Nodal switch into Pisces Virgo January 11th, early afternoon PST
Sun Moon closely T-Square to Eris - Goddess of disruption and chaos, together with Sun T-Square Chiron - the maverick Wounded Healer in the sign of Aries. A strong statement for standing up to pioneer your sovereignty.
Goddesses available, assisting us into a fullness.

We boldly step out into a new frontier with this Full Moon in Cancer, simultaneously with the Sun highlighting the Capricornian degree of 23 degrees, close to the lock down degree of five years back ... Scroll through to NOW and we are now ready to step into our future with Pluto paving the way quite literally in Aquarius. The rebellious and revolutionary energy of change is being lit up by the light of this Full Moon urging us to own our authority striding with commitment & focus because time is up. The past is over and move forward we must.
Pluto still stands opposite the retrograde Mars, commanding a face off, a power play, questioning us, do we really care on the deepest of levels, down to our core. To own our power. It is about our empowerment, a raw soul question to consider at this time..
Chiron beckons us to take the chance, jump off that cliff and be the maverick to pioneer our souls' truth with authority whilst owning our sovereignty in our hearts. Now is surely the time (Capricorn).
Uranus is at an exact favourable trine to the Sun, and also to Pluto, offering incredible creativity and out of the box thinking coming directly from Divine Mind for some. Gotta love a trine from Uranus, you definitely want to make the most of his creative juice for sure.
Retrograde Mars in Cancer is somewhat conjunct, close to, the Moon at this time, enhancing our internal emotional feelings about nurturing the self and others and how we achieve that. There is a level of self preservation about this as nurturing is so important in our lives and yet has been put on the back burner behind achievement, work, status and money.
In the days prior to The Nodal shift out of Aries and Libra we may see fires - Aries 00 degrees is a very strong cardinal degree with Aries representing fire and war. As I write this blog, Southern California is suffering greatly right now with severe loss of homes and even deaths
The Karmic Nodes of Fate will have moved into the Pisces Virgo axis by January 11th in the early afternoon PST, adding to the lightness of being or the weight of all that water (our emotions). Which ever way you look at it, we are being asked to surrender on every level. Right now then, the North Node in Pisces is very close to Neptune, calling for an internal spiritualization, greater compassion for others together with an enrichment for our respect to Mother Earth, to Gaia.
There is a great mystery that I feel will be revealed about her into the next few years.
Also of note, notice where we may allow ourselves to be deceived/how are we not seeing the deception, where do we numb out. The North Node in Pisces is amazing for meditation, creativity, dance, and deepening your relationship to Source. Pisces also represents viruses, our immune systems so upping the ante in that department is also crucial, leading us into the focus of the subject matter of the South Node in Virgo - the arena where we release that which no longer serves us.
For the next 18.6 months this will be the general agenda, so get used to letting go and throwing out the inner critic. Surrender the need for all the details, release the perfectionist, let go of victim consciousness, and remember, from now until July, to get very resourceful, make the changes so that your essential needs are addressed, and simplify You. (Uranus still in Tarus, heading into Gemini). Get grounded and grok into your body what truly makes you happy. From July onwards, things will be moving so fast that you will regret you didn't.
Staying with the Nodal switch, there will be a big focus on our health, our bodies, how we consciously care for it, together with what methodologies we use to bring ourselves into optimum health.
Virgo represents our health, purification & natural medicine - the original way used for centuries before Pharmaceuticals became involved. With all the changes and shifts occurring during this dynamic year we will need to address our digestion, and all aspects of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Our habits and routines also will need to be attended to as to just what we incorporate in our day to day lives both at home and at work, how we work, do we drive ourselves too hard and so forth.
Virgo asks for a refinement process to be put into place.

Mother Moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo and is intimately connected to the maternal principle - (Phillip Lindsay). The building and nurturing of the form, hence this signs association with diet, nutrition exercise and healing. 'As above, so Below' - this maternal principle applies at the cosmic level.
Virgo is therefore the Cosmic Mother because she represents cosmically the negative pole to positive spirit. She is the receptive agent, where the Father aspect is concerned. (Phillip Lindsay).
Important to note : In this solar system, we are informed that Virgo carries the Love-Wisdom principle more powerfully than any other zodiac sign. (Phillip Lindsay - Esoteric Astrologer).
We do have some goddesses assisting us now more than ever. this year.
In essence, the first one is Artemis/aka Diana - emboldening our sense of sovereignty, our deep sense of inner knowing. She is uncompromising and a great warrior for Love. She will play prominently this year in the cosmic play.
Astraea - who was the last of the immortals to leave earth in the last Golden Age and in myth it is said when she returns it is the beginning of the next Golden Age.
Nessus, an asteroid, represents radical forgiveness and presents opportunity for us to let go of our karma particularly Feb 7th and again is prominent late June. She represents letting it all go finally and true to her heart - 'the buck stops here' - Melanie Reinhart.
The next new moon in Aquarius will be on January 29th just over 24 hours before Uranus stations direct. As the ruler of Aquarius this is rather significant, together with Pluto and Mercury nearby to the Sun Moon picking up the pace will pick up distinctly.
Until then, astrology lovers, tread gently and we will see all at the end of the month
~ A Hui Ho ~

I am offering Short Natal and transit readings, transit reading, solar return readings to those who wish to be more aware of where the planets are affecting them this year.
This is the big year of dynamic change ~ know just where you are being tickled or pushed.