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It's all about perspective ~ Full Moon in Aquarius August 19th 2024.

Writer's picture: UnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters DotyUnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters Doty

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Full Moon in Aquarius August 19th 2024 @11.26am PDT

Goddesses abound assisting much

Three T-Squares involved - hard aspects as we move forward, that's a lot.

Incredible opportunity amidst apparent inopportune backdrop.

New Phase with our drive, passion & instincts, encouraged to thrust forward, expand and prosper.

= Jupiter conjunct Mars in Gemini in a new Phase


I have mulled over writing this blog for days and have found it quite hard to rally for this one. I've listened, gleaned and stared at the chart of this Full Moon in Aquarius and I finally see now

my pathway through, of how to share it with you all.

It is certainly a fast and furious pace that we are setting now, together with pressures, choices, opinions, societal expectations and more, even as we take care of the day to day stuff. (I am speaking broadly).

Full Moon in Aquarius August 19th 2024
Vesta - sometimes referred to as Hestia

The most beautiful part of the Full Moon building is that the Goddess Vesta is sitting 18 minutes away from the Sun in Leo ~ She is the Goddess of the hearth and heart, the keeper of the eternal flame. She highlights here, are we containing our energy, do we have good effective boundaries allowing the rightful form of our relationship/s to be expressed. She is a great antidote for enmeshment. She grounds and refines us. Mercury is next to the Sun also, as he retrogrades back into Leo, he beckons us all to find our hearts, what rings true where do we roar.

And so .. what is in your heart of hearts that can be fanned by Vesta's encouragement, ready for take off.

Zeus - Jupiter Chronos - Saturn Mars

We approach now the first of the Jupiter Saturn squares, which will occur precisely during the Full Moon on August 19th. In the coming months until June 2025, we will experience three occurrences of this intense Chapter. A square serves as a catalyst for growth, urging us to take action. The tension prompts us to address our weaknesses and limitations, pushing us to progress and evolve.

Saturn, the planet of contraction, the reality checker, the rule maker, the patriarchy, is traditional, institutional, conservative, sometimes judgmental, and is quite the serious, control loving, fella. He gets a bad rap really, but did you know he is a 'feminine YIN energy'. I tell my clients when they have a Saturn transit to regard it like a wise ol' grandparent who is telling you to let go of this and do less of that, take responsibility and mature up to your next level. Consideration, pruning away and some discipline is always required. On the upside, Saturn brings tremendous focus if harnessed, offers great endurance, is very patient and embodies wisdom together with a good work ethic. Mix Saturn up with Jupiter, who just wants to expand, travel and exert his belief as he heads out ambitiously in pursuit of a philosophical activity full of inspiration, Or, is extravagantly indulging in excess, more likely in a conceited and pompous way. We are motivated to move forward with the new as we let go of outdated ways from the past, adjusting how we organize and structure (Saturn) our aspirations to bring more depth and authenticity (Jupiter).

Where have we expanded too far? What do we need to let go of or prune away?

What is so over in your life, that it screams, let me go?!

Sitting right next to Jupiter, we have Mars, the planet of action, in a New Phase, ready to try out some new and out of the box ideas. He wants to shake things up with some diversification and variety.

Saturn is urging him on/US on, to take some new desirous avenues of action, to trust ourselves and have some faith, and to focus while we are at it. He'll back anyone who puts their hearts & minds to it.

He is full of ideas right now.

Next up, we have yet another T-Square - indeed we have three this Full Moon - Aquarian Full Moon squared by its ruler Uranus, square the Sun in Leo all at 27 degrees. Calling for strong change being led by our hearts. It becomes simple during these times of intensity. Expect the unexpected, there may well be seismic activity with this one, this T-Square is in fixed signs so anything that has ben stubbbornlyentrenched will be forced outward, ch ch ch change is occurring all over.

The DNC chose one hell of a day to begin their Convention!

We just need to follow our hearts.

Keep the formula simple and breathe deeply into your beautiful heart. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple silly. Go for the change you know you need. Get ahead of Uranus and change up your daily routine; get up earlier, have your tea outside instead of inside. Drive to work using a different route, take the train instead of the bus, eat your eggs on top of the toast instead of beside them, Go to yoga in the evening slot instead of early the morning & meditate instead. You get the idea and know what changes will assist you. Apply them. You are preparing yourself for the changes that will come. Get curious about how you may want to change up your life. Wherever Gemini is in your natal chart that is where the changes will be.

Full Moon in Aquarius August 19th 2024
Ceres / Demeter - Mother of Persephone

The last T-Square is with Ceres exactly squaring the Lunar Nodes, the Karmic Axis. Calling for a continued blitz on a disciplined, responsible approach as to how we can care more for one another ourselves and the earth. We all affect each other. To make her point felt more solidly, she is stationing direct just 6 days after the Full Moon, at 7 degrees of Capricorn.

There are numerous sextiles, meaning, help is on hand here. There are also two Yods - Fingers of God or Hand of Destiny - Both involving the Sun and Pluto, highlighting, shining light upon, the needed transformation, purge and elimination so that the spiritual evolvement can occur individually & collectively - we are being bolstered here with superlative assistance.

Neptune & Jupiter are the other planets in the Yods and both are co-rulers of Pisces, the quantum field, softening energies, compassion together with some truth and faith thrown in. Having the confidence to stand in your truth and take that action is also on the cards here.

Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are all helping and flowing with the foundational support for the needed change. We've got this.

Pallas Athene adds to the score of Goddesses helping here. Pallas adds an undeniable, single eyed focus to let go of the resistance to stand in ones autonomy and be the sovereign soldier driving forth with your purpose. After all, it was Pallas Athene that led the warriors home from the Trojan war, she guides the feminine through the patriachal realms. She stands opposite Sedna next to Uranus completing a Grand Cross to Vesta and the Sun. The Goddesses are spurring us onwards

Full Moon in Aquarius August 19th 2024
Pallas Athene

There is no doubt in my mind that we have hit the end of the old highway where we need to choose the new one that isn't quite done yet. We'll have to create it as we go!

Vesta and the Sun are in a magnificent trine to Chiron and Eris. Signifying tremendous support for us to hold our hearts and generously go forth warrior style as we bump up to the next tier of who we are on a soul level. Yes we can ... we all chose to be here now. Some of us feel exhausted and tired, that we have had enough of the intensity - we are actually witnessing the break down of the

old and the new is starting to bleed in and it is downright different & weird!

Full Moon in Aquarius August 19th 2024

It will take a while. We are all in this for the long haul as it is not going away. We are building something very new.

The Jupiter Saturn meeting until next June is an adjustment time in regards to the

new AIR element that began Dec 2020 - beginning a new 200 year chapter.

The adjustment time I am referring to is actually called a 'Crisis in Action'. It has a Cardinal quality so there is an initiatory feel to the energy. moving us from uncertainty and insercurity to action, to a bold and dramatic statement of who we are as individuals and as a collective.

There can be a sense of self preservation vs emergence.

The impetus is to just act, we are all meant to get out there with our 'thing' what ever it may be.

Just know that in these very weird and crazy, intense times, there are Goddesses holding us, urging and supporting us, giving us all that we need to fulfil our heart of hearts.

Remember to keep it simple - I am not saying it is easy, but keep it simple.

~ Breathe ~

If you would like to hear the printed video click below

Full Moon in Aquarius August 19th 2024 - walking into the unknown

The next New Moon will be in Virgo on September 2nd

Until then my friends, tread gently as we march mindfully forward into the unknown.


I am available if any of you are in need of guidance, healing or a reading.

You can call me anytime in HST : 808-359-8676 if your preference is not listed below, or, you can go to my services page to select from other choices.


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