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Full Blue Moon ~ Creative Energy abundant.

Writer's picture: UnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters DotyUnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters Doty

Updated: Aug 2, 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn @29 degrees July 21st 2024 @3.17am PDT

- sitting very close to Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.

Full Moon & R Pluto square to Chiron and Eris ( turning Retrograde the NEXT day - therefore her point magnified greatly), creating a potent TSquare. Eris wants no one marginalised or left out.

We can no longer ignore what stares us squarely at our faces everyday.

Pluto Trine Uranus, Mars, Sedna, particularly the next day afterwards for Mars - tremendous juice to go for what has been deep in your heart for a long time whilst receiving ample creative support.

Sedna Last Quarter Quintile to Saturn - Crisis in Consciousness regarding our next level of personal & collective authority encompassing the greater whole.

What do we truly want above and beyond the chaos.

Salacia is conjoined with the North Node of Fate in Aries square Ceres - a Clarion Call for the light and beauty available, to be harnessed going forward for the Collective Souls' growth.

Nourishment of this is so needed for the earth.

Hawaiian Goddess Haumea of Fertility - Mother of Pele - square to the Plutonic Full Moon,

pushing for abundant creative energy to flow, and providing it.

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 2024
Time to look at everything

Tremendous creative energy abounds and is readily

offered and available this Full Moon.

Are you ready to pick up and run with the juice available, turning away from the old, the past and what is over?

We have quite the impact of emotional detonation this time around, which is very different from last Full Moon in Capricorn. Indeed, this Full Moon is a Blue Moon as we are having two full moon's in a row in the same sign. We have a real feisty, potent Full Moon waxing its way to an exposure of much. It is a Moon Full of suggestive innuendos that can no longer be denied.

The full impact of this Moon is that Pluto is conjunct by less than a degree, in Aquarius, to the Moon, whilst the Moon is Balsamic to Pluto at the anoretic last degree, screaming it 'is TIME' to surrender any last ways of control, any forms of guilt or fear, any self limitations or obstructions of emergence of your freedom loving, magnificent self. We are at the end of the Capricornian chapter.

On the Collective front, it is a doozy of a full moon, as we have reached the end of the road as we hit the 29th Capricorn degree. This degree is like a hot trigger at this point as Pluto has gone over this degree multiple times enforcing his intention. Capricorn rules top down control, Corporations and Institutions, Governments, Big Money and Banking, and so the screws are on, and have been! .. as Pluto approaches the same degree and re-enters into Capricorn the 2nd September, all of October, until Nov 19th when he finally leaves Capricorn for another 230 years or so. It is a big deal and we have

had plenty of time (18 years of Pluto in Capricorn), to deal with facing the music!

It is more than interesting to correlate the USA's election build up occurring already for months now,

will be given this intense focus from Pluto in the months prior.

Doubly interesting to note, is that the USA is still in its' Pluto Return, a 248 year cycle,

experiencing a reckoning of sorts, as to how the country has handled its power in all ways.

We rumble, and the world rumbles, with that scenario as well.

Capricorn symbolises seriousness, gravity, limits, time, karma, conservatism, tradition, gulit, responsibility, and more. He also symbolises leadership, authority, justice, honor, efficiency, faithful, conscientiousness, self-control and more. You get the idea here. Pluto is throwing down the gauntlet and calling the game out. He is the planet of Transformation and Elimination afterall and he means it at this point. (In transit personally, if one does not listen to the subject matter at hand and do the work required, he will hit you over the head with a two x four and make sure you move through it - I kid you not).

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 2024

The Full Moon at the anoretic degree of Capricorn = 29 degrees, screams 'lets finish it' - Eliminate the controls, the fear, the guilt trips within and without, the power plays, the oppression from the Corporate world, and to swallow the fear and finally speak out with all our hearts to expose the ongoing power ploys and plays. (Mercury in Leo, inconjunct Pluto and the Moon). The abuses of power have gone on far too long whilst on a global level, societies and countries are reeling out of control. Chiron & Eris scream 'enough of the oppression and suppression' - Stand up and Own your power, come into your sovereignty, pioneer yourselves in this crazy climate and take the action for the needed new, creative future.

Whilst Pluto and the Moon ring out the judicious tuning fork, simultaneously there is a favourable call from Sedna with a helpful push from the all knowing deep feminine, signalling an imperative directive from the outer reaches of the Cosmos to alert Saturn, with an energetic call out, "its TIME" to delivering a Gravitas harmonic, so that we take responsibility for shaping the future for the entirety of humanity.

We are coming off of the heels of the Mars Uranus Conjunction (that happens every two years), that has been building so intensely throughout last weekend becoming exact Monday morning on July 15th around 10.04am PDT. Detonating an explosive, volotile, seismic energy where absolutley anything could happen and did happen ( former President Trump's assassination attempt for one), yet all week coming into the Full Moon this energy weaves through our lives. Tread carefully, watch for accidents, and take things slowly as you go. Changes, particularly what you can't imagine, may indeed happen.

The flow of energy present with Sedna & Pluto in supportive and transformative ways, is fuelled by the ingeniously prolific Uranus  right there in the mix together with Mars alongside Sedna filled with multiple diverse ideas (Gemini), with the impetus to think out of the box too, coming from the 'Divine Mind' Sky God, Uranus, Creativity itself.

Uranus, Mars, and Sedna backed by Pluto and the Full Moon offer up serious support and solid foundational backbone to go along with all those ideas coming in from the outer Cosmos to assist. So yes, the times are chaotically intense, yet out of this chaos there is tremendous support.

The Creativity with Support tap is ON baby ~ so Milk it.

Actually it will run now for the next few years. (Pluto trine Uranus/Sedna).

With Mars involved right now, it is a signal to go forth with your passion.

Saturn - the ruler of Capricorn, Ruler of the Full Moon itself, slowly moves retrograde in Pisces, stands right next to Nessus the Centaur, son of Ixion.

Nessus will not stand for deception or gaslighting, and demands that the "Buck stops Here" according to Melanie Reinhart. Nessus has the capacity to blow things up and end things, assisting us to transcend to another level : She wants us to release underhanded deep patterns of helplessness and depression. Saturn and Nessus offer a fabulous trine assisting the encouraged move, offering the deeper connection to Source simultaneously.

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21 2024
Full Moon in Capricorn ruled by Saturn in Pisces

Although I acknowledge that I have repeated myself many times in recent months, it is because the alignment of the stars and planets are providing the necessary energy to convey the intended message.

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 2024 Astrology Chart

Our days are now filled with a heightened level of frenetic energy that many of us have not known in our earlier decades. The present moment is so packed with happenings, to do’s, and events that it almost feels beyond surreal, and then we have the external chaos seemingly 'On Tap' with the social media et al.

With this Full Moon in Capricorn, the Sun therefore is in Cancer, opposite, still at the very last degree - and so nurturing ourselves is still in the mix whilst we let go of driving ourselves too hard. It's a time to nourish the parts of ourselves that we have lashed at far too often.

Being super mindful of how much EMF time you are exposed to, is now more than a thing, it is imperative. Turning off your devices and turning inwards is your 'Go to', to make it through the chaos that will become more and more, as we move through the next few years.

Lying down on the grass outside under a tree or swimming in the waters of Mother Maui can do the trick, if that’s not available purchasing a Grounding Mat from Amazon is very helpful. It assists to pull out of the body any EMF’s that can affect your system.

The way I navigate through the times of 'out there' is to create quiet time and breathe. Actually, I begin with prayer with an intentional connection into my Source of ‘All that Is’ - we all have that. I talk directly as if I was talking to my best friend, I unload, I debrief and my world opens up into a resonance that I distinctly feel pulsating throughout my body somatically..

We have 24 bodies and systems at least, surrounding the Susumna (chakra column),  and so observation of what is occurring within can be a focus, to enter into your deeper realms as you breathe and drop into a calmer, clearer part of you that then opens you up into worlds of self discovery.

It is unmistakeable the distinct difference of resonance, this is a form of the mystery, the feminine, she nourishes my internal being to bring a calmness.

She lies hidden within heralding an awareness of deep peace.

I leave you with a Guided Meditation that may assist

The next New Moon will be in Leo, early in the morning of August 4th.

Until then, tread gently and mindfully as you go.

A Hui Ho

Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 2024

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