Just what have we forgotten, could it be that which is deep within us?
What are we not seeing?
Dive deeper to feel the majesty within the Cave of the Heart.
New Moon 10 degrees of Pisces @4.45pm Thursday Feb 27th comes before the Total LUNAR Eclipse in Pisces in two weeks. Yes ... Eclipse Season is here already.

There are no less than six planetary bodies in Pisces with this New Moon, together with the Karmic Node of Fate sitting right next to its ruler, Neptune, in the last degrees of the entire zodiac. We are living in ExtraOrdinary times like none other, quite literally. All the Pisces planets - thats a LOT of water - including the Sun, together with Neptune, its ruler, at the very end conjoined the Node of Fate is telling us to merge, to come home, to surrender. It is not a time to become lost in the chaos or overwhelmed, but rather take those symptoms as a sign to go within and be Still, and Breathe in the majesty ...
March will be the biggest month of the entire year so take note of the energies, feel how they resonate within you and listen to your heart.

~ Lets take a look at all that is happening right now and incoming over the next month
and just beyond; Notice how often the 00 degree of Aries is triggered ~
Mars, the planet of our desires and momentum, has stationed direct on Feb 23rd just days before the New Moon, so things will feel like moving forward some, together with
Venus the planet of how we relate to one another and our essential needs, stations retrograde on March 1st, just days later, @10 degrees of Aries, crossing over the 00 Aries degree and backing down into 24 Pisces. Both were the rulers of the Karmic Nodes of Fate prior to January 11th of this year for near 18.6 months prior and both planets represent how we relate to another, others and ourselves. We are in a review period of how do we express and choose to relate personally and collectively, and what do we ultimately desire.
Mercury stations Retrograde March 14th 9 degrees Aries, crossing the 00 degree Aries back down to 26 degrees Pisces April 6th stationing direct.
Sun squares the Galactic Center March 17th together with the North Node squaring the GC all month - a big push to pay attention and flow with the downloads. The Galactic Center is an enormous Black Hole sending copious amonts of directives to our planet as a constant.
Two wild card Eclipses bringing change to the zeitgeist. The first March 13th - a LUNAR Full Moon Virgo Eclipse. The second is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries March 28th/ (29th 1.50am PST )
The 00 degree Aries Equinox March 20th setting the tone for the next 3 months.
Neptune is about to enter the Creator degree of 00 degrees of Aries on March 30th, the first time in 164 years. The beginning of the zodiac degree and a very initiatory signature for the world, begins the powerful dynamics for thenext three years and beyond.
Saturn will join Neptune on May 25th, heralding to bring some spiritual newness birthing into form
Jupiter will enter into the archetype of our emotional body and nurturing, into Cancer, making sure that nurturance is at the top of the agenda even as some may get moody and some grumpy (:)), and
Uranus will enter Gemini on July 7th, indeed the pace will accelerate markedly.
Huge changes together with powerful archetypal directives incoming for us all.
We have a massive pile up of Pisces and so lets' have a look at the definition of Pisces and how we may relate to the feelings and nuances we may experience in our lives internally and externally -
Pisces is very sensitive and empathic, the alpha and the omega, there are no boundaries so there can be a bleeding in from 'other worlds, Pisces is very idealistic and can be very fatiguing depending on where he is affecting your chart individually so rest is needed for most of us, the Fish also assists us to, merge and becomes one with, divinity seems less veiled, devotion flows more easily, surrender and a dissolution of what is not real, exquisite beauty of indescribable proportions, endings and culmination, beginnings too, the eternal, the quantum field - all that energy that we cannot see, numbing out, not seeing things, pretentiousness, fantasy, alcohol and drugs, addictions therefore, too much netflix /social media scrolling, pharmaceuticals, viruses and immunity, and deception.
It is certainly no time to bury our heads in the sand and pretend something is not happening. The antidote to all of the above that can be so overwhelming for some is to take time out and be still, rest and give yourself more time to sleep. We are all recalibrating and releasing old karmic patterns that are old and finished. It is a time with all of this Pisces energy, to meditate, dream, dance with your muse, contemplate what the deeper feelings are relaying to you, have some walks in nature, and or stillness, paint or get your hands in some clay. It is during these times that we shed skins and let go of old layers. Tap in, to discover the majesty of the heart, the cave that is the entrance to the royal road home. Incidentally, the archetype of Pisces carries the wisdoms from all the other archetypes ~ there must be something special now for us all to drink in therefore, with Neptune and the Karmic North Node of our Destiny, together with Mercury (the weaver), Saturn (builder of form. Saturn wants a spiritual structure built), the Sun & Moon (beginning something new highlighting all things Piscean), and Ceres (representing nourishment to ourselves and the earth), all conjoining here in Pisces.

Remember to discern what is best for your future as a whole, whilst we refine our way forward into our collective evolution. Think big and futuristic, collective and creative. The South Node in Virgo is in a grand trine (great support and flow), to Sedna in Gemini & to Pluto in Aquarius. We need to get out of our own way, think outside of the box, use the diverse ideas and wisdoms from our galactic ancestors so that we may seed a new world that will support the children who will inherit the earth we leave them.
Saturn and Mercury in Pisces are partaking in a profound helpful push to deepen our spiritual practice, weaving and assisting the now direct Mars to go forth with the newfound clarity, take the action whilst forever holding the sacred flame in the heart high. Vesta the goddess of the eternal fire is part of this beautiful water trine, giving a hand to ground and contain the fire to burn just so, for success.
Uranus - Divine Mind, is busy filling Mercury - Lower Mind, up with a multitude of ideas, some of them perhaps genius ones, helping the messenger out, suggesting to keep it simple and be resourceful whilst you are at it. Entwine some magic into your world. Sedna simultaneously, is downloading galactic and cosmological creative ideas from thousands of years of experience, bringing them here to earth to help us to birth the new. Sedna will be assisting us for the next few years ahead actually.

and finally, the director of the whole show ... Pluto sits right next to Pallas Athene in Aquarius (freedom, creativity, breakdown and breakthroughs), birthing a whole new cycle of focussed strategy to weave into and through these next months that will be foundational for the next years to come. Pallas Athene has great experience in escorting the feminine through the patriarchal realms, succeeding in bringing the Trojans home in the Greek mythological war, whilst assisting us now to become single eyed with focus and sure.
and so, as we are now in Eclipse Season - tread mindfully as we head into a very full month ahead. Venus stations Retrograde March 1st for her 40 day review of all things regarding relationships, money, sexuality and more. The next Full Moon in Virgo is a Total LUNAR Eclipse in Virgo on the 13/14th March, with its ruler, Mercury stationing Retrograde the very next day.
So you see we are being asked to recalibrate and review much of our personal internal worlds before we then move straight into the first Eclipse, then the Equinox on the 20th, the second Eclipse, a Partial Solar in Aries New Moon on March 29th, and then onto Neptune's Ingress into Aries, on March 30th
Big Times indeed, we are in.
Go Well ~ A Hui Ho ~
