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A Crucible Chapter in time

Writer's picture: UnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters DotyUnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters Doty

The month of October finds me deeply engrossed in the mythology of The Iliad, an epic poem translated by many but my version by Emily Watson, the Bards' histoire of the Trojan War, long ago.

It is weaving distinctly into our time today, mirroring the battles, the egos, the horror, the tragic loss of life, the hero/s, together with the awe of the immortals woven in with the aggression and territorial energies from the feminine gods, Athena, Aphrodite, Hera, and Helen .. sometimes even the gods, the immortals end up having spats - even now we have Eris and Hygeia having words to Juno and Astraea ( see below),

and so ... the battle is somewhat similar here in our mortal world right now as I read the Iliad,

leading us into what November brings us ...

A New Moon in Scorpio 9 degrees on November 1st 5.27am PDT - ruled by Mars traditionally, but now by Pluto. What has been deeply hidden within you?

Involving a Grand Cross | a Cornerstone Moment for our civilization.

Mars in Cancer @29 degrees opposite Pluto in Capricorn @29 degrees

Juno & Astraea opposite Hygeia & Eris ~ the feminine goddesses instilling their voice

Jupiter in Gemini is opposite Venus and Pallas Athene both in Sagittarius

Meanwhile, remember, the bass note of everything happening is that Pluto is still in Capricorn @ 29 degrees. He essentially is transforming us, urging us strongly at this point, to eliminate anything that stands in the way of our evolvement. (past, toxic, shadowy material, control issues, anything that has been emotionally hidden away or locked down).

New Moon in Scorpio Nov 1st 2024
New Moon Intentions. Image by Ted Chin

If you would prefer to listen, I have it all mostly here below, click and play. From Akaku Community Media.

Mars in Cancer @29 degrees opposite Pluto in Capricorn @29 degrees

The stark reality of the Wounded Masculine (mars in cancer), is confronting the toxic and very Patriarchal Past (pluto in Capricorn). No two ways about it, upheaval and infernal energies are set to boil as the pressure increases riding towards Nov 3rd when this aspect will be exact (again as a reminder, we will experience this opposition in early Jan 2025 and again on April 26th 2025), so we are in a process of revealing what has been hidden within ourselves, expressed as aggression but revealing in truth masked insecurity. Interestingly, we have the build up of tensions with the US elections simultaneously, whose results will affect the world stage at large.

  • Where have we not nourished a part/s of ourselves?, where instead, we chose to tough it out, or lock it down, never to be shown. Internal suffering becomes external destruction manifesting in anger, shadowboxing, even a cool to chilling detachment leaving ourselves 'not present' in real terms.

  • where can you internally reconcile your shadow and your true self, redefining what it is to be strong, to be a hero or not, to be authentic. What have I /yousuppressed? How can you truly forgive all the parts seen out there in the world whilst knowing the same resides deep within your very selves.

  • The goddesses stand square to the Mars Pluto opposition creating the Grand Cross. A rock solid initiatory dynamic that demands much from all of us, to evolve up to the next level.

    The Goddesses are instilling a strong reminder to return to the Core Power of the Self (Hygeia - daughter of Apollo). She is the source of Lifeforce itself and is quiet behind the scenes in general, yet has awesome power. She connects into our health which then correlates to the environment and the earths' health. She is our very own reservoir of pre-existing skills and power. Eris whom Hygeia has joined, heralds chaos and discord and sister to Mars, demands supreme integrity together with ethical fairness and respect. She will not stand for spiritual bypassing or demonising of the feminine.

    Juno who stands opposite both Eris & Hygeia, sits with Astraea. Juno, who is the wife of Jupiter embodies grace and benevolence, she sits well in her own power and offers the harmonics of equality and commitment. Astraea, daughter of Zeus, sister to Athena, is a purest at heart, exudes bold creativity and shoots for justice.

     These Feminine Goddesses are with us in the fight to heal, to nourish, to find the integral high road, remembering the heart within, holding faith and hope, to find the free flow within the madness, to pull back from the chaos and dive within your very selves for the solace and peace, to heal. All in all, it is a a call for us all to step up to the next level as a species, to move into greater love.

    New Moon in Scorpio Nov 1st 2024
    Gustav Klimt's 'Hygeia' Medicine Woman

Jupiter sits opposite Venus and Pallas Athene. Venus who is the current ruler of our past emotional habits - our Karmic history - suggests to hone your relationship (Venus) to your truth and focus (Pallas Athene), on your new project or goal. Trust your intuitive self (Jupiter), driving with focus through the multitude of ideas (Jupiter in Gemini) sourced, to then get on with 'what is yours'.

Neptune, Mars and Mercury in a grand water trine. Offers a fluid online tap to Source, so that we may speak our minds and take the necessary action needed during these intense times.

Chiron is still in the mix sitting closely to Eris, both in Aries, so there is a maverick energy that can act out impulsively and in warrior style possibly leaning towards aggression at times.

Remember the Mars opposite Pluto is very active and volotile. Your mindfulness practice, your sadhana, and your ability to surrender into the power of your knowing, trusting in your deep stillness will be useful for sure. There is great resolve there for you, deep within.

Life is not determined by what it apparently looks like. Be conscious of when you are unconscious and bring yourself back using your awareness muscle. Hold your heart open and intend to love more, to grow. Your muscle to keep your heart open will strengthen with each choice to breathe through and change your reaction to an action using love.

Call on the goddesses, just one or all of them, they are there to help ... we are never alone.

Trust your intuitive self (Jupiter), driving with focus through the multitude of ideas sourced,

(Jupiter in Gemini) , to then get on with 'what is yours'.

It is time to write your own story and not be influenced by the external world, what will you write?

The next lunation will wax from this New Moon up to the Full Moon in Taurus November 15th, which will be very Uranian, awakening us, world changing, pivotal and earth shattering. Stay tuned.



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