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2025 ~ this is the year of pivotal change

Writer: UnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters DotyUnWind the Soul - Juliet Butters Doty

I am sending this to you as I want you all to be informed. You are receiving these bi monthly blogs from me because you have been a client of mine at the Grand Wailea or, at the Four Seasons on Maui, or, at my home sanctuary through my website.

I care about how you are and how you are evolving.

These times are not for the faint hearted. I wish for you to know that you are right on time and all is well ~ simultaneously, alongside all that, it is good to know what is coming down the track, to have a head's up as they say, about the year ahead.

This year of 2025 will be like none other. This is what all the intensity and preparations within and without have been for over the past years and decades.

We are in for a ride so as we all move through the year together, let us remember to Breathe and to care for others and ourselves.

2025 ~ This is the year

2025 is set to be a tremendous year of Dynamic Change.

It will be a year of pivotal transition setting the stage for the rest of the decade

and into the next, 2025 will be a year of endings and beginnings, a

year where we will literally witness the completion of one era and the

arrival of another.

The primary cause for this is that, while all planets go through

noteworthy shifts and sign changes, all the outer planets are

changing signs at this time, which is unusual, activating collective

and personal changes for humanity as a whole.

The elemental energy  will be moving from earth to air; moving from a

methodical, receptive and cautious, slower pace becoming a more

external, active, flexible and dispersed tread. Air mutates into new

directions and new ideas to pursue with greater speed and fluidity.

The sensual practical way of earth becomes more intellectual,

conceptual and abstract in the air element.

Interestingly, the numerology for 2025 is a 9 year, symbolising

Completions. Something needs to end and begin again. The number

nine carries a regenerative aspect, offering a chance to fengshui your

life. Embracing the ability to release and surrender will be

advantageous to say the least.

In Chinese Astrology, 2025 will be the year of the ‘Wood Snake’.

Wisdom, transformation, shedding skins and resourcefulness are

qualities it will enable us with.

Collective Planetary Influences are substantial this year.

Pluto having finally exited Capricorn, will embark its first full year in

Aquarius for the next 20 years, driving a collective shift towards

decentralisation. In Aquarius, Pluto fosters rapid acceleration toward

awakening and liberation, bringing about revolutionary change,

eliminating obstacles to that outcome. Aquarius embodies a

1humanitarian spirit that embraces inclusivity, leading to breaking

barriers and setting new records. Extraordinarily innovative and

exceptionally creative both collectively and individually, it seeks

freedom, forges new paths, together with future-oriented

advancements in science and technology.

Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, will move out of Taurus and into the air

sign Gemini in the summer of 2025. The elemental change will be

starkly notable with an accelerated, frenzied, mental pace affecting

business, transport and technology. A.I. moves into its next chapter,

transforming the education system, the media, robotics, and aviation

on all levels.

Neptune is nearing the end of its near 13-year passage through the

last sign of the zodiac in Pisces, the dissolving and culmination effect

contributes to the ‘endings’ we will face, but also increases the

yearning to merge with something greater than the self, together with

dreaming and imaginings for the future. He will move into Aries,

March 30th, ushering in the beginning of the new era, a virtually new

vision for society, promoting exploration for even more utopian

creativity in multiple ways for society, engendering a spiritual

renaissance of sorts affecting political and social movements,

together with revolution, rebellions and cultural or religious wars.

Compassion for others and for oneself is also greatly championed.

Saturn will join Neptune on May 25th, both at zero degrees of Aries.

This is a cardinal, initiatory degree that will affect the entire world,

instigating a powerful, reverberation throughout humanity. These two

major planets come together in their synod cycles every 36 years,

however they have not met at zero degrees of Aries in at least 12,000

years. This represents a “gravitas”, reality check moment for our

societal world. Saturn is a foundational builder, whose energy and carves

society as a whole, whilst Neptune touches the collective on a deeper

spiritual and religious level, dissolving boundaries and illusions. This

will help us build new structures and pioneer a renewed spiritual

foundation for the future of society as a whole. Saturn offers

discipline, patience and endurance for a long term commitment of

hard work which we will all need.

Jupiter will move into Cancer. This will be a great relief for many,

proving a much needed “caring” quality that supports our

achievement of future goals and fulfilled purpose. Jupiter will also

help us expand our perceptions, with a more optimistic and positive

approach to family and home life, caring for one another with more


The three outer planets – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, affect the

collective transpersonal level, together with Saturn and Jupiter,

affecting the cultural evolvement at the societal level – all five planets

changing signs within a short period of time is highly unusual.

Also, Neptune will pass through the midpoint of the orbits of Pluto and

Uranus. This denotes a significant influence from Neptune in the

revolutionary, transformative change being pushed by Pluto and

Uranus, and thus incorporating the spiritual dimension found within.

This midpoint configuration effect hasn’t happened since the early

1500’s. With Neptune heading into Aries at that time, Columbus

reported sighting a new continent to be conquered. Back then, things

moved very slowly, but with today’s accelerated pace, we are in for a

blistering, stride into a future not yet carved.

It is up to us to sculpt well & mindfully so.

Personal Planetary Influences

The inaugural entrance into 2025 will begin with a series of

Retrogrades from all of the Personal Planets. Consequently, the year

will not truly get going until May, the spring in the U.S.

The planet Mars, already Retrograde since Dec 5, 2024, will be in Leo

and soon enter Cancer. Leo influences the heart, the fire that drives

us and our fulfilment, so Cancer suggests we take on more of what

nourishes us. January will be a month to nurture and give unto the

self, while we feel into what drives us and what we truly care about.

He will not station direct with forward movement until February 23rd,

with a delayed feeling of rebirth delayed, while we experience other

3 personal planets slowing their movement to direct us inwards still.

I cannot leave out here that Mars does rule the action of war, and so

already being at war entering into 2025 and there will be more

beatings of the drums globally. Personally, we don’t have to choose

that as well.

In the midst of Mars being Retrograde and Venus slowing down, the

Karmic Nodes of Fate or Destiny will change signs from Libra Aries

into Virgo Pisces, January 12th, moving us from focus on Relationships

into a more Spiritual perspective and compassionate outreach.

This will embed the spiritual directives for the next 18.6 months ahead.

Venus will have slowed down to a near standstill, slow waltzing

through the sign of Aries, generating experiences and reflections with

initiatory projects, pioneering new relational ways, then dropping

back into Pisces where we can reflect on our relationship to

compassion and as to how we may care for others more including

ourselves. This will usher us into a deeper connection to Source, to

Mother Earth.

Simultaneously, Mercury slows down while Venus moves through her

40 days of contemplation, turning Retrograde in the fire sign of what

motivates us to join Venus in the sign of Pisces for some pensive and

pondering moments until April 6th, while Venus turns direct April 12th.

We see an interesting dovetailing here, in relationship to our thinking

processes, how we correlate information, what we value, and how we

reason, both internally and externally. March and April will give us the

time to ponder these things internally in order to become intone with

what is in sync for each of us.

Jupiter will move direct in early February, following Uranus’s direct

motion at the end of January, just nine days after the inauguration of

our 47th President. Life will pick up then, yet we will still be directed

to continue our internal, yin reflection on what impassions us, what

our essential needs are, what do we value, and how we process

internally and communicate externally.

Our passage through the last degrees of the sign of Pisces, the last of

the entire zodiac, will continue the dissolution of the old order and

support your surrender of impulses fostered by Neptune. This will be

a strong and fatiguing time for many, so rest will be needed and

immune systems strengthened until March 30th when Pisces will step

into Aries. We will likely feel this shift in significant ways; feeling like

‘finally now I can move forward with what I have been envisioning”.

The biggest month of 2025 will be July, when Uranus moves into the

sign of Gemini. This is when the pace of life will increase noticeably,

as innovations and ideations of all kinds abound. Restlessness,

revolution, and disruptions as to how we communicate will follow.

Significant growth in the future of all aspects of aviation may occur,

together with financial market shifts. Shifts in the media interactions

will be apparent. Note: stock market volatility and cryptocurrency

issues will be up. Care for your nervous systems will be imperative,

and rest for the busy mind will be vital for those more sensitive.

Meditation time or Stillness is an important addition to your daily



Eclipses will be very strong this year.

These signify turning points and are often catalysts for change.

We will be finishing up the Aries Libra axis and stepping into

the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo.

The North Node in Pisces - the destiny pointer - encourages us to

weave into our lives contemplation of our spiritual perspectives, and

to deepen your compassion and imagination. But this also brings the

potential for chaos, overwhelm and confusion. Hence the practice of

meditation and time in nature will prove invaluable. Grounding

yourselves will need to be a daily practice as there is little earth

element in this years astrology.

The South Node in Virgo will encourage us to empty out and let go

of the desire to focus on details and perfectionism, to ignore the inner

critic and align with the “flow,” rather than trying to control the

outcome or order of things. This is also an ideal time to surrender

5whatever “guilt complex” you may have burdened yourselves with.

Virgo also rules your health, your routines, and habits so it’s prime

time to notice and adjust your health practices, mentally, emotionally,

and spiritually.

There will be two Total Lunar Eclipses, both in March and

September, partnered with two partial Solar Eclipses two weeks later,

still in March and September.

Be cautious of the urge to avoid reality, such as through distractions,

drugs, or alcohol. Keep your skills of discernment sharp and your

energy grounded, uphold firm personal personal boundaries, and

engage your creativity - trust it - throughout the next 18 months. This

will enhance your ability to enjoy interconnectedness with all life via

your intuition and sourcing the creative juice available - literally on tap

- as you embrace your innate connection to a Higher Source.

March and April are likely to be months where water, rain, and

flooding due to Neptune and Saturn being in the final degrees of

Pisces. This pattern may repeat towards the end of October,

November and December. During these months many of us may feel

sensitive and possibly overwhelmed, feeling the need to withdraw

from the ongoing chaos. Disorientation and a sense of dissolution

may be experienced. This will be influenced by the strong watery

element of Neptune In Pisces.

2025 will be an astonishing year in numerous ways. The surprises,

changes and transformations will amaze us all, as we are indeed

gearing up for 2026, where we will step into an entirely new era for


2025 ~ This is the year
Make this year the year of your commitment to yourself as awesomeness.


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