Aloha "I love what I do .. I am driven to assist souls to deepen their connection to Source, to clear out what may obstruct the pathway and to embolden clients to build their internal muscles utilising resources that I give out as part of a clients homework".
A Bit About Juliet
Juliet has been passionately involved in the healing arts for the past 30 years. A sensitive healer and mentor, she has carved deeply within herself releasing karmic patterns, cleared multitudes of cellular memories, issues, cords, contracts ... truly the list is endless ... and has given herself fully to the evolution of her soul in order to know freedom contentment and peace.
Juliet is dedicated to Mastery of the Soul. Clients drawn to work with her are on a path of self-growth, ready to step out of the maze and old patterns to seek Healing and/or mentorship.
Juliet spent ten rigorous years studying and practicing mystery school arts in Australia, where she committed to freeing the soul through dedicated practices, great personal sacrifices and deep surrender. She knows well the level of commitment, discipline and dedication it takes to relinquish what keeps one’s soul from thriving. She mastered multiple healing modalities and broadened her mystical understanding during that time.
“My gift for UnWinding the Soul is founded on this privileged training. We all have the ability to unravel and return to full communion, reclaim our rightful sovereignty and freedom. Revealing the innate bedrock of our heart’s Core to reign again, revealing the gifts of the soul.”
Juliet has literally given thousands of healings over the years and is adept with piercing sight to see, feel and hear the needs of each individual. She sees the issues that hold, the cords binding, thought forms confining a person from expansion, and provides structure for individual growth by offering specific, unique homework and practices to exercise the spiritual internal muscles left exposed & vulnerable.
Throughout her life she has traveled, lived, worked and played internationally. She restores herself in nature through swimming, hiking and walking her dog on the beach and in the forest. Juliet currently resides in Hawaii with her husband, their dog, and her son close by.

Healing Modalities used
I work with the many bodies & systems, 23 in total or more, for example; the Auric Field, the Mental & Emotional Bodies. Utilising & tapping into the living library of Akashic Records, your Guides and Angels, & the Higher Self & OverSoul, the unlimited Christ Consciousness and much more…..
Streamlining Atunement and Alignment, Retrieval of Soul Fragmentation & Disassociation, Chakra Balancing & Polarity Work, DNA Activation, Shen. Benefits received are unique for everyone of course ..
Shifts in awareness, greater clarity, access to the ‘Deep Inner Heart’ giving the ability to truly feel Love express through you completely. Tapping your ability to make shifts & changes fluidly & seamlessly, deeper ability to work with the Christ Consciousness through our ever-changing times.
Creating like we have never been able to before and being in Charge of life, behind the wheel of your life rather than the monkey mind maze.
I do recommend a 'Series of 3 Healings' or more, so as to achieve a greater depth of Unwinding for both the One on One & Long Distance Healings ... however, even more may be recommended. Call Juliet anytime on 808-359-8676

My teacher, Medina, was pure Grace & Kindness
Interestingly, as fate would have it, my Mother, introduced me to my teacher, Medina, back in 1990. The Reverend Medina Varley. Medina's maiden name was Medina Mary Mattea. I always loved the power of the three M's.. Mattea being the earth plane.
Shortly after 1990, I became an integral part of the Daystar Mystery School acquiring Multiple Modalities of Healing techniques and understandings that were mastered, by way of a rigorous training, concurrently as an ongoing deconstruction of the Lower Self occurred, simultaneously whilst delivering thousands of healing’s over the 8 year period.
Ascended Masters & Lords of Light spent periods of time with Medina for months at a time. We received teachings and practical application techniques by these many Avatars of Mastery, indeed, we were privileged beyond measure to receive such teachings of the Mystery.
Medina had an exquisite singing voice, played the piano beautifully and her speaking voice was like liquid silk. Medina’s eyes penetrated deep into your soul, carrying information and a personal message that was often all in the look rather than words.
She was a simple woman, yet Her gifts were Grande.
Teaching the Nature & Qualities of Love and many healing modalities, Medina always taught the simplicity of Love. She truly modeled by action in everything she did or said. She was a rare and special woman who passed away, in June of 2000, suffering a grueling and aggressive cancer that moved throughout her body.
She was truly selfless.

My Understanding
I later came to realize over the years involved with the School, discovering that the many paths/religions back to Source ultimately merge to the one path … The Path of Love.
The Collective Story was uncovered and these understandings are the sum total of the foundational reasons for the lives that we are living NOW. Both individually & Collectively, for indeed, they are the same.
My Gift for ‘UnWinding the Soul’ is founded on this very Training.
We all have the ability to unravel, returning into communion and thereby into Sovereignty and Freedom in each moment.
Thus enabling the true innate bedrock of our Hearts’ Core to reign again, revealing the gifts of the Soul. Simply by surrendering to Love itself, enables us to return Home to the Heart. All great Masters have taught this simple way.